Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Spray for Peach Leaf Curl Now

Peach leaf curl is a serious problem and can defoliate a tree

Photo credit goes to the University of Illinois Extension
There is no cure for peach leaf curl, only prevention.  You must apply a fungicide early before the buds begin to swell.  The fungus is carried into the opening buds via rain so you've got to knock out the fungus before buds are susceptible.  Some people also apply fungicide in late fall.

If you're looking for organic solutions, you can use lime sulfur. My experience is that it is quite effective.  However, it smells like rotten eggs and since mine is an urban orchard, I didn't feel it was fair to make the neighbors smell that for weeks!

I switched to Chlorothalonil.  I try to be as organic as possible but sometimes gardening requires compromises.

The folks at your local garden store will be able to help you with what is available in your area. 

Whatever you do act now!  Once the disease starts, you just have to wait while all your lovely peach leaves curl up and fall off. 

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